I do have a “full time” job!

When was the last time you were asked about your family?  When someone meets you for the first time and you get to talking, do you talk about your family at all?  I’m sure you do, as you are getting to know a new person.  Everyone loves to talk about their families and if you have kids, I’m sure they are at the top of your list of things to discuss.  I know mine are.

We are a family of 6, 4 of which are kids.  Our kids range between the ages of 5 and almost 14 years old.  They are healthy, active, typical children.  One has epilepsy, which means a lot of doctor and hospital visits though.  I will tell people this kind of information as we are getting to know one another. 

My husband works in the moving business, as a non-cdl pack van driver.  This means that he goes into a clients home, and packs everything into boxes, ready for someone else to come in and move.  Sometimes he will be the one to come back the next day and move everything.  Or if it’s a pack and load, he will pack it and load it onto a truck all in the same day. 

I am a stay-at-home mom. I get up every morning, hopefully before the kids, get myself ready for the day, then get prepared to get the kids up and ready for the day.  I then get them to school, and most of the time will go to the Y to workout for an hour.  After I’ve worked out, I will go down to the sauna for a while.  I enjoy this time at the Y.  It’s my daily ME time.  When I get home, I work on my blog, clean house, do laundry, plan meals, make out grocery lists, sort clothes that have been washed and whatever else may need done that day.  Then when the kids get home, I get the oh so fun task of getting them to do homework, providing snacks and running them to different activities.  And yet, when I’m asked if I work, and I say “no, I’m a stay-at-home mom” (or sometimes I will just say “no, I have kids.”), I’m asked, “well, don’t you want to work?”

For some reason when people hear that you are a stay-at-home mom, they always ask the question, “Well, don’t you want to work?”  I’m sorry, but what do you think a stay-at-home mom does all day?  My husband, kids and house are my job.  Even my husband will admit that he doesn’t know how I handle all that I do.  Being a mom is a full time job all by itself without any pay, benefits, or days off.  It’s a 24/7, 365 day a year job. 

My life is hectic enough, without having to work outside of the home as well.  I barely have a moment to breathe as it is.  No, I don’t want to go out and work a job, then come home and still have to do everything else as well.  Yes, it would be nice to have a little extra money, but the majority of what I made would end up going to a daycare center to watch my kids when they aren’t in school, while I worked.  Yes, it would be nice to get out of the house more, but then who would do the cooking, cleaning, laundry, meal planning, shopping, ect. that is part of my daily life.  Yes, it would be nice to be around people more, but I have enough drama in my own home, I really don’t need to hear about everyone else’s drama as well and quite often there is on the job drama as well.  I really don’t need that added stress to my already stressful life.

So the next time that someone says to you, I’m a stay-at-home mom, perhaps you can skip the “well don’t you want to work” comment.  A stay-at-home mom has a very important job.  Yes, I do have a full time job!  It’s called raising my kids and taking care of my family!  Whether you work outside the home or choose to be a stay-at-home mom, being a mother is the best job in the world!  Even through the stresses of life, a stay-at-home mom loves their job in the home as much as you might love your job outside of the home! 

10 Responses to I do have a “full time” job!

  1. Stephanie says:

    This is why I usually say that I “work full time outside of the home” to distinguish from SAHMs that work full time inside of the home 🙂

    • Gina says:

      I wrote this in response to a question I get frequently. When people ask me if I work I tell them I have 4 kids. They look at me and ask again, well don’t you work? I tell them my family IS my job. Then I always get the question, “Well don’t you want to work?” No, I don’t want to have to go to work full time, then come home and still have all the housework and caring for the kids. My job is to take care of the house and family. But so many can’t seem to grasp that being a mom and housewife IS actually a full time job in itself.

  2. I think these days what a woman does at home is so overlooked.

    I am a true believer in do something and do it well. Many times us ladies are expected to be superwoman and do it all… career, kids, house, meals, shopping, volunteer, school PTA all the things.

    We are spread so thin that no matter how hard we try it really is not enough because there is simply not enough of us to spread around.

    I’m not downing woman with paying jobs, I know many great moms who also work outside the home. But my thing is don’t look down at us full-time stay at home Mama’s who are working just as hard day in and day out. Raising a family and keeping a home is work that pays only in love. <3

    It's so nice "meeting" someone who feels the same.

    • Gina says:

      I agree and I do know some great moms who work full time AND keep the household running as well. I really don’t understand how they can do it all, because I’m going constantly without a job outside the home. I love what I do however, because it’s so rewarding. I’ve never missed any of my kids firsts and they know that I’m there for them, no matter what. Every time someone asks why I don’t “work” it really drives me crazy. I don’t work outside of the home, because I have enough to do already. Sure it would make things a lot easier financially if I worked as well, but I would miss so much of my kid’s lives and wouldn’t be able to be there for them like I am now. I’m happy and so is my family! To me that’s more important that being able to buy stuff that we don’t really need anyway and that doesn’t bring true happiness. We have learned how to live on a budget and how to save. Thank you for the kind comments and I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way!

  3. Gaby Alexander says:

    Moms have the hardest job of all! They are cooks, teachers, nurses, chauffeurs, coaches, care takers, counselors, and more! Just because someone is a stay at home mom, doesn’t mean that she is not busy! You’re a rock star for everything that you do for your family, Gina! 😊

    • Gina says:

      Being a mom is hard. Being a mom of 4 is even harder, because you are trying to have multiple kids in different places at the same time. I stay busy all the time. I also try to do the best I can for all the kids. I love it, even if it’s hard and I feel like I’m being pulled in a dozen directions all at once.

  4. Savannah says:

    Love this! This is such an important thing to discuss with your potential spouse so that you are on the same page, whatever your decision is. I always wanted to stay home to care for my children and my husband always wanted that for his kids. No matter what you choose there are sacrifices but I LOVE being a Stay At Home Mom! It’s the most rewarding job there is Ü

    • Gina says:

      I also always wanted to stay home with my kids. I’m glad that I have the opportunity to do that. If I had to go out and work, all that I would bring in would end up going to daycare, so it was never worth me working. It is the most rewarding job out there! Now I have my blog as well to keep me occupied and I love it!

  5. Mashibaby says:

    I know what you mean! Work is work at home or at an office! I get criticized for not keeping the house totally clean because i also work at home too.

    • Gina says:

      Exactly! For me, I have my hands full with my kids and TRYING to keep the house up. Nothing at home would ever get done if I went out to work as well.

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