My New Story That I Have Been Working On

During the last few years, when I was still at my old school, I was told to write a story.  So I started to make one about cats, of course. I love cats. So I called it The Cats Adventures. It is like a little kids chapter book. It is a fiction story about our cats Marmalade, Harmony, Dolphin, and Sansa. And in one of the newer chapters, I added FiFi and Destiney into the book. My aunt in England wrote a book too. She called it the Woof Of The Woo. She published it for the whole world to see. Its a good kids book. If you live in England, feel free to check it out. Anyway back to cats adventures. I will type the story for you all after I am done talking about it. So I have 5 chapters. Chapter one is The lost kitten, chapter two is The cats go to the pound, chapter three is called The new kittens, chapter 4 is called A new friend, And chapter 5 is called The kitten giveaway. So now I will type the story.


Chapter 1: The lost kitten

Harmony, Sansa, and Dolphin are worried. They can’t find their little kitten anywhere. “What if he jumped in the car when we took it to be fixed.” After we heard what Harmony said, we took the bus to our grandma’s house to ask her if we can borrow her car. She said we could, but she wants it back in the morning. It is 12:00 at night and I got a text from the place where the car was and they said they needed to crush the car. We hurried and went into the building and we saw Marmalade wanting out. Marmalade was meowing like crazy. The crusher was one meter above the car, so we didn’t have much time. “What do we do,” Harmony asked. “Let me try asking the person controlling it to stop,” I said. Right as I was on my way to the person, Marmalade meowed so loud the crusher heard it. But he still didn’t stop cause he thought he was hearing things. “ 

Now what,” asked Harmony. “I know,” I said. I will pull the fire alarm. So when I pulled it, the crusher stopped and the fire fighters came. I rushed over to get Marmalade out of the car. “why did you pull the fire alarm,” one of the fire fighters asked. I told him that I did it to save my kitten from getting crushed along with my car. The person controlling the crusher wouldn’t stop. The fire fighters understood and smiled. “We will take the person who was controlling the crusher to jail and we will close down this place so it wont happen again.” Said the fire fighters. So they took the person controlling the crusher to jail for ten years and they all lived happily ever after.

Chapter 2: The cats go to the pound

When I came into the living room one day, the cats were at the door meowing like crazy. They wanted out. So I opened the door and let all four cats out, not knowing that animal control was outside. A few minutes later, animal control spotted the cats and went to catch them. They lowered the cats in with cat treats and caught three out of the four cats. They didn’t see Marmalade cause he was still a baby kitten. Marmalade came running in to Leslie who understood cat. “Whats wrong little one,” Leslie asked. “meow meow meow meow.” said Marmalade. Since Leslie knew what he said, she came and told me that three of our cats were captured. We went to the car as fast as we could, hoping that all three cats were still at the pound. When we got there, we saw someone looking at our cats and picked up Dolphin. They were about to adopt her. We went and asked for Dolphin and the other two cats back. I told them that I let the cats out to play, not knowing animal control was out there. We got super lucky cause you usually need to pay to get the cats out of the pound, but they gave the cats back FOR FREE. Wow, thank you all, you are all so kind. But they said that if it happened again, we would have to pay to get the cats out. We had a deal and we went home. And after that day, the cats didn’t want back out ever again. and the cats lived happily ever after.

Chapter 3: The new kittens

Dolphin was fatter then usual. We knew that she was about to have baby kittens. We were all exited to see how many kittens Dolphin will have. We all took turns guessing. “I hope we have 5 kittens,” Leslie said. “I want 3,” said Lorianna. I wanted 2 cause it is kinda close to the middle of 4 and 5 so I was hoping for 2. A few months later, it happened, Dolphin had her kittens. She ended up having 2 kittens. I named them Destiney and FiFi. They were so cute and adorable. I have never seen firstborn kittens before. They were cuter than Marmalade and I thought Marmalade was adorable. I went to get a closer look at the kittens and then I saw that the eyes on them were closed. I went to pet one then the mother cat snapped at me. She didn’t want me to get near them. I went and asked my mom why she didn’t want me near the kittens and she told me “When the kittens are firstborn, their eyes are shut. Dolphin must think you want to hurt them. That’s why  she doesn’t want you near them.” I got lucky that I didn’t touch them cause I looked up on the internet why you shouldn’t touch newborn kittens and in caps it said, “DO NOT EVER TOUCH A NEWBORN KITTEN, IF YOU DO, THE MOTHER WILL MOST LIKELY KILL THEM.” I am glad I looked it up now. I scrolled farther down and saw that it said, “After their eyes open, which usually takes up to 3 to 4 weeks, you may hold the kittens for the first time.” I got exited when I saw that saying and started daydreaming about the kittens. I went and checked on them and Dolphin wasn’t there. And all the kittens are asleep.  I was about to touch one cause I was to exited to watch. Right as I was bending down, my mom saw me and made me stop. I was upset. 3 weeks later one of the kittens was trying to learn how to walk. I also noticed that the eyes were almost open. “EVERYONE, COME QUICKLY.” I yelled across the house. Leslie was the first to get here. “What,” she asked. “Look,” I said. “AWWWWWW its so cute.” she said. Finally everyone had seen the kitten walking. “Hailie, since you have been waiting the longest, you can hold it first,” mom said. “Me, really THANK YOU MOM.” “Your welcome” she said back. So all the cats and family members were happy and they all lived happily ever after.

Chapter 4: A new friend

After Dolphin gave birth to Destiney and Fifi, everyone was pretty much just playing with the 2 kittens. They were now starting to walk. They were so cute trying to walk. Harmony, Sansa, Marmalade, and Dolphin were feeling neglected. So Harmony went outside. (We installed a cat door so the cats can go in and out). Right when Harmony went outside, there was a black and white cat. “whats your name?” Harmony asked. The cat looked at Harmony shy. He finally meowed back to Harmony saying, “My name is tucks.” He said “nice to meet you.” said Harmony. “come inside and meet all my other cat friends.” So both Harmony and tucks went inside the house. “who are you?” Dolphin asked. “this is tucks.” said Harmony. Since Leslie spoke cat, she overheard Harmony. “Who is tucks?” asked Leslie. “I am” said the black and white cat. “I am tucks.” said tucks. “nice to meet you.” said Leslie. “nice to meet you too” said tucks. “guys, come here.” said Leslie. Everyone left Destiney and FiFi and went over to see tucks. “guys, this is tucks!” said Leslie  “Hi tucks” I said. He meowed back “hi”.Leslie asked tucks where he lived. tucks said that he didn’t have a home. Wanna live with us? Harmony asked. “Can I ” tucks asked me. “sure, there is always room for more cats.” I said. So tucks joined the family and the cats lived happily ever after.

Chapter 5: The kitten giveaway

It was a beautiful day and everyone was playing outside. “Hey Leslie, catch,”  I said as I threw the frisbee.  “On it,”  Leslie said. She jumped to try to catch it, but missed. The frisbee hit a light post with a sign on it. “I’ll get it,”  Leslie said. “Huh, what is this?” asked Leslie. We all came running. We all looked at the sign. It read, Come to the park on Friday at noon to join the kitten giveaway. ” A kitten giveaway huh,” I said “We should totally enter.” Leslie said. “Ok, lets go online and sign up then.” I told them. We all ran inside and signed up for the giveaway. “Wow, there are alot of people signed up, and there are only going to be five winners.” I said. “We  probably won’t win, but we will go anyway to see who won though.” Leslie said. Soon enough Friday came. “Wake up sis, it’s almost time to go,”  Leslie said excited to see who won. “Ok, Ok, I’m up.” I said. About an hour later, we left to head to the park. Right as we got there, we could see all the kittens. “Awwwww, they are so cute.” Leslie said. We looked at their name tags. There was a full black cat named darkness. There was also a full white cat named cloud. And there was also three white cats with black spots. Their names were Patches, Pepper, and Dori. “I don’t care which one we get as long as we get one.” Leslie said. “Alright everyone, It’s time for the drawing for the kittens,” the announcer said. “Wait, did we have to draw a picture to get one of the kittens?” Leslie asked. “No silly, it’s a different kind of drawing. The drawing that they are doing is they have all the names of the competitors that signed up in that box and they need to pick five random names.” I told her. “Ok, that makes more sense.” Leslie said. Their competitor name was the tigers. “Ok, the first kitten goes to the…. (he puts his hand in the box to get the first name.) Sharks. Sharks, go and pick out your kitten.” The announcer said. The sharks picked darkness. “Ok, the next kitten goes to the….. (he picks the next name out of the box.) Dolphins. Dolphins, go get your kitten.” The announcer said. The dolphins picked Patches. After a few more drawings, there was only one kitten left, Dori. “Ok the last kitten goes to…… (picks the last name.) Tigers. “OMG WE WON.” Leslie said jumping up and down with excitement. “Tigers, go get your kitten.” The announcer said. We went over to go get the last kitten. “Hi Dori,” I said. “Your coming with us.” I said, about to go to the car. “Ok, lets go home.” I tell the others. So they head home and put the kitten in the house and had another good day at the kitten house. And the cats lived happily ever after.


And those are the chapters I have done so far. When I get more done, I will tell you all the rest of the stories.

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