My workout journey has begun

This past summer we got a membership to our local YMCA, however, up until now, we have only used it for the pool. The kids love to swim and it’s a good way to get them out and moving some. Now, however, I’ve found a workout partner and we will be starting this journey together. We went down to check everything out. We walked the track and found a low impact machine in order to start working the arms and legs. The next step, learning how to use all the different machines there.

The YMCA provides 3 free coaching sessions in order to learn how to use all the equipment they have there. I’m glad because walking into the workout room, I was overwhelmed by all of the different equipment that I’ve never seen before, let alone used. The first coaching session taught me how to use the cardio equipment, bikes, treadmills and ellipticals. My favorite was the first elliptical that my trainer showed me. I will probably be using it a lot. They advise us, starting out, to use the cardio equipment only for 15 minutes at a time then eventually work up to the full 30 minutes.

I will also be checking out some of the different classes offered and see what classes may work the best for me. I’m looking forward to seeing how working out is going to make me feel after the first month or so. I know that the first few weeks are going to be the hardest for me, but hopefully after the first month I will begin to feel better and of course start loosing some of my body fat. I’ve been told that working out will make you feel better overall and give you more energy. Time will tell how I start feeling as I go through this journey.

UPDATE 9/5/18

Went to the Y today to learn how to use the upper body exercise equipment and learned 2 things. First there are more parts to the upper body than I ever realized. Second, my upper body is very, very weak. I couldn’t handle 20lb on most of the equipment! I was really feeling it by the end of the coaching session and am going to work the upper body once a week until I can get this. I have to get this and become stronger. Class number 3 is next Monday! I will be learning the lower body equipment and will soon be working out my whole body.


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