Nature’s beauty

In a discussion Leslie and I had the other day, I gave her another piece to work on, and in return, she asked me to do one about nature’s fall beauty.  So here is my piece, assigned to me by my 8 year old daughter.

As much as I dislike the fall season, because of the cold, I can’t deny that this is the most beautiful season.  The leaves changing colors shows God’s handiwork.  I love the colors of the leaves.  This is also the season where the sunsets are the most beautiful.  I could sit there and watch the sunset every evening.  I love the sunrise as well, but sunsets kind of help close out the day!  God’s beauty is all around you.

Pumpkins ripen up in the fall and apples are ready for the picking.  My family loves apples and I’m always glad that the prices drop in the fall when they are abundant.

Even though I dislike the cold, there are still some semi-warm days that I can tolerate for a while.  We have days of grey skies, but then there will be a day or two where the sky is such a vibrant blue.  The grey days help us to better appreciate the blue sky when we see it.  You may still see a flower here or there, the mums are out everywhere and so full of fall beauty.

Even though you may have to put on a coat or jacket, you can be outside without having to worry about snow, ice and frostbite yet.  The insects have been killed off by the cold, so you don’t have flies and mosquitos everywhere.

Fall is a great time to plan family nights, warm in the house.  Movie nights with popcorn or game nights where you can just enjoy simple conversation.  Many families will get together and watch football on a Sunday afternoon, or just relax together.  It’s the time when chili and soups become easy main courses, to warm up your body after having been outside for an extended period of time.  There is fun to be had around fit pits and bonfires with family and friends.  The kids (and adults too) love cooking hotdogs and marshmallows over the fire and enjoying smores while getting nice and sticky.

Even in situations that you don’t necessarily like you can always turn around and find the good in them.  What are some of your dislikes?  See if you can find something positive in them.  If you look for the best in the worst situations it might change your whole outlook in life.

10 Responses to Nature’s beauty

  1. I am similar to you in the fact that I do not like the cold, but fall really is a pretty time of year. I do not live in a place where we get the leaves changing colors, but the sunsets are simply amazing and I could watch them all day if they lasted that long.

    • Gina says:

      I do enjoy the changing of the leaves, but would willingly give it up to have warmer weather year around. But the sunsets, you can get those anywhere, when there aren’t clouds covering the sky at least. I agree with you, I could watch the sunrise/sunset all day long, and in the fall and winter, they are especially beautiful!

  2. Chelsea says:

    Fall is definitely a breath-taking time of year, I think it’s just stunning when the leaves fall and the color the trees become! beautiful but cold, haha.

    • Gina says:

      Yes, the colors of fall are beautiful, but then those leaves fall off the trees and everything is barren for the next 4 to 6 months. The cold bothers me so much that I’d happily give all the fall beauty for year round warm weather.

  3. I love that you and your daughter give each other challenges! That is so awesome! I am going to ask my big girl for a topic she wants me to write about. That would be so fun! Loved the post! ♡ 🙂

    • Gina says:

      It was fun, even though it was hard for me. It made my 8 year old feel important, giving mommy an assignment. She gave me an A+ for effort on it. I will ask my other kids for ideas in the future, so be on the lookout for more.

  4. joy says:

    great post. i too agree that fall is one of the best times to see god’s handiwork in nature. i hate being sick and hooked up to my oxygen machine but i’m grateful that i have such good doctors and being home w/o work and unable to do chores allows me to enjoy the beauty around me more.

    Joy at The Joyous Living

    • Gina says:

      I have an 8 year old who helps me see the beauty in things around me, no matter where we are at, no matter what season we are in and no matter how depressed or down I feel. My favorite season is still summer, with spring following close behind, but with the help of this amazing child of mine, she won’t let me forget that there are good things in the fall and winter too.

  5. Chloe chats says:

    What a lovely post! This time of the year certainly is the time to be cosy, have family nights, also having lots of soup to warm you is the best! And yes I totally agree, it’s important to look for the positives in things!

    Chloe xx

    • Gina says:

      Because I don’t like fall so much, this was such a hard post for me to write. Thank you! Leslie really pushed me to find things about fall (and winter) that I do like, when I’m feeling down.

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