Packing For Your Trip

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So, you have chosen the location, saved up the money for your planned trip, made reservations at the hotel, researched activities and restaurants you want to try out and are all ready for your trip! (If you haven’t, see the first of this series “Travel With Kids Without All The Stress”.)  Now comes the hardest part (in my opinion) of the trip.  Packing.  What do you need to take with you.  You don’t want to forget anything, because you know that buying it at your chosen vacation spot will likely cost you double what you get it for at home.  Here is a list that will hopefully help you out.

Choose your luggage!

The first thing you need to consider when packing for your trip is what kind of luggage you will need.  Not only does it have to hold all your stuff, you also need it to be versatile and lightweight.

If you are going somewhere where there is going to be a lot of walking on paved roads and sidewalks, your go to luggage choice would be a rolling suitcase, because lets face it, they get heavy to carry after a while.

Something like this 28 inch suitcase with 4 wheels would be perfect for a large family (go with something smaller if you are planning to fly rather than a road trip if possible).

If it’s more of an overnight trip and there isn’t a lot of walking to get to your location, a duffel bag would be perfect.  You can fit all your stuff in and sling it over your shoulder and go.

A good duffel bag like this waterproof and tear resistant one is nice and durable and perfect for overnight or weekend trips.

Another option if you don’t have to take a lot of stuff would be a travel backpack or wheeled backpack.  You can carry it or roll it in the case of a wheeled backpack.


Make a list of what you need

If you have read some of my posts, you should know by now that I love lists.  When it comes to packing for a trip, the first thing I do is sit down and make a list of everything I need.  I do this a few days before I’m actually ready to pack, then if I think of something else between the time I make the list and the time I pack, I can add it.  I frequently add to my packing list over the couple days between making it and actually packing.  When you have to pack for a large family, it is so easy to forget something.  The same goes for families with babies and toddlers, because you have so much to remember, something is bound to slip through the cracks.  As you go through your day, you will always think “oh right, I need to take this as well.  So what things go on our lists?

Clothing, of course.  I think about how many days I’m going to be gone and add 1, because you never know when an emergency may come up.  So if we are going to be gone for 5 days, I will always pack 6 outfits, just in case.  You need to know what the weather is like where you are heading.  Can you imagine, if you went from sunny Florida to a snow covered Wisconsin and didn’t plan ahead, how cold you would be?  You always need to research where you are going and make sure to take appropriate clothing for the weather at your destination city.

Always pack a raincoat, windbreaker or umbrella.  You never know when you will need it!  I love these Sharpty Inverted Umbrellas! Find out what makes them top of the line!

As funny as it sounds, when I’m making my list, I always forget to put underwear and socks on it.  Do NOT forget to list and pack underwear or socks for your trip.  It’s always smart to have a second pair of comfortable walking shoes as well.  You never know when something might happen and you might need them.

Every time we go on a trip, especially in the summer when wearing sandals and flip flops, Lorianna breaks her shoes.  It never fails.  So we have learned that we always need a spare pair for her, and have started packing an extra pair for each family member, just in case.

Another one that I have trouble remember is chargers for everything.  We used to be able to share one or two chargers between everyone, but the last time we did that, it was disastrous.  So now, we have to make sure there is an available charger for every electronic piece we take.  And while I’m on the topic of electronics, if you are traveling internationally, you will need a converter as well.

The Toiletry Bag

Finally, you need to decide what you need in your toiletry bag.  Things like toothbrush and toothpaste are obvious.  So are hair brush or comb, hair ties, barrettes/bobby pins, deodorant, facial cleansers and make up, if you use it. Extra contacts, solution, and contact case, glasses and prescription sunglasses are also things that are obvious.  Things that you are less likely to remember though, like lip balm, feminine hygiene products, sunscreen and mosquito repellent are more likely to be forgotten if you don’t list them out and check them off as you are packing.  You may want to take shampoo and conditioner too, depending on where you stay.  I’ve even started getting into the habit when I go to hotels, because the little bottles they provide are never enough for a large family, like ours.  Something else to go into the toiletry bag (or it may be it’s own category depending on how much you have to take with you) is medications!  Make sure you have enough medication for the time you will be gone, especially if your insurance isn’t likely to cover it in another state or country.  You don’t want to run out of a necessary medication and not be able to get more.

First Aid Kit

Finally, you should pack a first aid kit.  You never know, when you are on vacation, when something might happen or someone might get injured and if you don’t have a first aid kit, you are then running around trying to find band aids, ointment or whatever else is needed.  Here is what we put into our first aid kit.

  • Band aids, gauze, adhesives, and a stretchy bandage (in case of sprains)
  • Tylenol and Ibuprofen (also children’s strength if you are traveling with kids)
  • Thermometer
  • Throat lozenges
  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Aloe or something to treat sunburn
  • Emergency Medications (in case of seizure or migraines)
  • $500 cash (in case of an emergency visit that insurance won’t cover)

Or you can get a first aid kit like this one:


Activity Travel Bag

If you have kids and are going on a long drive or flight, you will need ways to keep them occupied.  The activity travel bag (it would be a carry on bag if you are flying) will have activities and snacks for the trip.  If you are driving, you can have drinks in there as well.  Have enough variety that as the kids get bored with one activity, you can pass another activity to them.  Coloring packets, cards, road bingo, and magnetic games are just a few ideas of things that you can put in an activity travel bag.  Don’t forget activities or books for the adults as well, if necessary.  You never know when you will have a layover or some kind of wait and may need something to occupy yourself!

No matter what the trip is, the packing part is going to be similar.  Just make sure that you have everything you need before you leave, because quite often, it’s much more expensive to purchase on your trip.  Be prepared for anything and you will have a much more fun, and relaxing vacation!

The next part of this series is Arriving At Your Location

4 Responses to Packing For Your Trip

  1. Janja says:

    Great list! It is good to have some activities for grown-ups as well, for long hours on the plane or layovers. Some cards are always really fun.

    • Gina says:

      I usually end up playing with the kids anyway, so I didn’t think about that. That is a good idea though. I’ve added it to the post. Thanks!

  2. Michelle M says:

    This is a great post for someone like, who ALWAYS forgets to pack something!

    • Gina says:

      I always forget things to, so my lists are so very important… and I pack them too, so I make sure I have everything coming back as well. LOL

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