Review: Dial Sea Minerals Skin Therapy Body Wash

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I was looking through the body washes at the store the other day. I needed something new because my most recent body wash wasn’t leaving me feeling refreshed after my showers. I just felt like it wasn’t getting the job done. As I looked (Lorianna was also wanting a coconut body wash to go with her coconut shampoo and conditioner) at the options, I came across the dial section. The first thing that caught my eye was the coconut body wash and immediately had to start sniffing the different options. Who wouldn’t when you have a child obsessed with everything coconut scented? Well I found the perfect coconut Dial Body Wash for her then went back to scanning the shelves for something for me.

Then I saw it. A bottle with the word NEW on it. There were 3 options to choose from, Manuka Honey, Himalayan Salt and Sea Minerals. I looked at them all for a while debating, after all it was a little more than I would usually spend on body wash. Picked them up, opened the lids to smell and put them back on the shelves. Then I went back to looking at the other options, while I thought about what I wanted in a body wash. Eventually, I came back to the dial section and picked up the Dial Sea Minerals body wash. I opened it and smelled it again, while trying to talk myself out of purchasing it, making a pro/con list in my head. The pro list won, it smelled good, was within my price range (though more that I usually spend) and I was ready for something new.

So this evening I took a shower and used my new body wash. It had exfoliating beads in it that felt soooo good while I was rubbing it onto my skin and the scent made me feel so relaxed. I absolutely loved it. I was actually sad to rinse it off, scrubbing my skin as much as I could as I stood under the water to rinse. As I got out of the tub, I felt and smelled so fresh, something that I’ve not really felt with my old body wash. I felt so refreshed after my shower, it was invigorating. Next time I go to the store for body wash, I will definitely be looking for more Dial body wash, and I will probably be sticking with the Sea Minerals Body Wash for a long time to come.

Try it today:

2 Responses to Review: Dial Sea Minerals Skin Therapy Body Wash

  1. Cool Browser says:

    I’ve never tried these brand before. Is it that good?

    • Gina says:

      Yes, it is better than “that good”. I was very surprised at how refreshed I felt after my shower. I’m certainly not going back to my old body wash now.

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