Workout Journey-2 month update

Two months ago, I decided I needed to do something to help with getting healthier, so along with a friend, I started working out at the local YMCA.  Many of you have seen that first post where I made the decision to start working out.  If you haven’t, you can see it here. Many of you have been following the journey through the pictures I have posted nearly daily. How is it really going and has it helped any?

The answer is a resounding YES!  I have noticed huge changes in the way I feel, my energy level, and I’m not nearly as breathless when I’m walking and can even jog and run small distances without becoming breathless or getting severe pain in my side.  I even raced Leslie yesterday down the street from her friends house and didn’t have to slow down… and I beat her!  Two months ago, I wouldn’t have been able to do that!  Every day after my workout, I reward myself with some time in the sauna.  It’s the only time that I can get warm and I don’t feel the pain that I get when it’s so cold.  It also helps all the stress dissolve when I’m sitting there, relaxing and in prayer.

When I started working out, I found that I had very little strength in my legs, and even less strength in my arms.  I was barely able to life 15 pounds, could only pull about 20 pounds and in my lower body I started out at 25 pounds.  Today, my upper body can lift 50 pounds, I can pull up to 70 lbs and my lower body exercises are between 75 pounds and up to 110 pounds for some of the machines.  I have also lost about 10 pounds in 2 months.

On days when I don’t go work out, I find a huge difference in my energy levels.  I just drag around and have to force myself to go, compared to the days when I do work out and have so much more energy.  I also find myself eating less on days when I workout.  After working out, I get home, have a couple handfuls of peanuts or an early lunch and then don’t eat again until supper time.  On days that I don’t work out, I find myself snacking all day.

I am so glad that I made the decision to work out!  I feel like it has been good for me, and even though sometimes I get there and have a hard time getting motivated I push myself to anyway and even if it’s only half of my normal workout, which lasts an hour, I still feel so much better afterward, and always look forward to my 30 to 45 minutes in the sauna.  It’s my reward for pushing myself to work out.

8 Responses to Workout Journey-2 month update

  1. Such a great journey you’re on! Keep up the good work!

  2. Stephanie says:

    What incredible work and your ability to lift has gone up incredibly. Wish I could do that! I really struggle with my motivation annoyingly but agree that when you do work out you feel so much better energy wise for it! 😊

    Stephanie xox

    • Gina says:

      Yes you do have so much more energy after, and that I feel so much worse when I don’t work out is part of what keeps me motivated now. I really dislike missing my workouts now.

  3. Thats so awesome that you made the decision to start working out and to keep at it!!

    On the days you don’t feel like going, those are the most important! And afterwards you will be glad you went ! Even if it’s only for a quick walk or jog, or even 5 minutes at least you did something and you’re keeping the habit going!

    Keep it up, awesome work!

    Nicholas Alexander Adams

    • Gina says:

      Thanks! It took a while to get used to going, but now when I don’t go, I find that I regret it later. That’s now the reason I push myself to keep going, well that, and wanting to spend the time in the sauna. Especially when it’s so cold outside and I feel like I’ll never be warm again.

  4. Eefje D. says:

    Keep up the good work! You can do this!

    Lots of love,

    • Gina says:

      Thanks! There was a time I would have though I would never be able to work out. Now I don’t know what I would do without my workouts!

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